Whitehot Magazine

Lisa Levy

Hi I’m Dr. Lisa. I’m an unlicensed therapist who’s been practicing over 20 years. I enjoy doing therapy without a license, because ethically, it gives me the opportunity to be as honest and direct as I like, plus it’s a lot more fun. People often say to me, “You are better than my regular shrink!” Also, I never charge for my service. I leave it to you to decide if what I put out makes sense to you.

Would you like some thoughts or advice from Dr. Lisa? Feel free to contact me at drlisa@radiofreebrooklyn.com  Listen to Dr. Lisa Gives A Shit on Radio Free Brooklyn - new episodes every Thursday 2-3pm https://radiofreebrooklyn.com/show/dr-lisa-gives-a-shit/ @drlisalevysp 

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Dr. Lisa Invades Your Quarantine Pt. 3: David Kramer

Dr. Lisa Invades Your Quarantine Pt. 2

Dr. Lisa Invades Your Quarantine