Whitehot Magazine

Jane Rankin-Reid

Tasmanian based writer, curator and art critic Jane Rankin-Reid writes fiction and critical essays. An amanuenses to the artist Rammellzee, she is 1980s New York legacy graffiti artist Koor 1’s biographer. The former Keeper of The John Deakin Archive (UK), she has worked as a foreign correspondent, editor and columnist in newspapers, art magazines and journals in the US, India, Nepal, Japan, Europe, UK and Australia. A US Editor for ArtScribe UK, Art+Text Australia and Senior Writer at Tehelka, New Delhi, her essays and feature articles have been published in Le Monde, The Guardian, the Australian Financial Review, the Mercury Tasmania and First Post India, among others. 


It Would Take a Diagram is an excerpt from Chapter 1 of The Color of Night, Jane Rankin-Reid’s unpublished memoir of the 1980s downtown New York art scene. Photo by Caroline Darcourt, Paris, 2021

articles by this author

Kirsha Kaechele: The Ladies Lounge at MONA

Jack Skelley, Fear of Kathy Acker, (Semiotext(e) published Spring 2023)

Underground Underwear: excerpt from The Color of Night Chapter 5

The Color of Night by Jane Rankin-Reid (Excerpt from Rankin-Reid's unpublished memoir of the 1980s downtown New York art scene. Chapter One)