Whitehot Magazine

Irmelin Hanssen


Irmelin Hanssen holds a Master degree in American Studies from Radboud University Nijmegen, the . She studied a semester at  UC Berkeley in the where she specialized in Chicana/o art, literature and culture. She wrote her Master's thesis on  "Redefining Archetypes in Chicana Literature and Art- La Virgen de Guadalupe and La Malinche: ExtremeMake-Overs." She presented her research at two international conferences. She is currently active as a freelance art-writer in the Netherlands and looking into PhD programs in the United States. irmelinhanssen@hotmail.com


articles by this author

May 2007, WM Issue #3: In conversation with Clare E. Rojas: The power of Representation

Summer 07, WM #4: The Burning House: Faile, Swoon and David Ellis @ HET DOMEIN