Whitehot Magazine
"The Best Art In The World"
ROX Gallerist Emerald Fitzgerald and collector Justin Argenti
Text by Blayke Kogan, photos by Michael Anderson
ROX Gallery continues to deliver avant-garde spectacle for the lower east side community. Engaging with the momentum of street art and youth culture, the graffiti boys known as Mint and Surf curate the smashing and decadently grunge PPP: None of us is greater than all of us. The show is divided by the upstairs exhibition and the downstairs installation, occupying the entirety of the ground level space. Descending into the installation is like entering a time warped, graffitied grotto. It is as if you have entered a dystopian underbelly reminiscent of downtown New York in the 1980’s. The opening last thursday night was a scene of mayhem.
Wild boy artist Pablo Power, featured in the show, even peed on the installed dirty mattress as a means of authenticating the installation. He then progressed to use baby scissors to cut his hair off in the midst of conversation. Enclosed by onlookers, blood was incorporated.
The scene at the opening almost bordered on performance, with a mixed crowd including one artist wearing an oversized and dress-like ‘Rich white N#gga’ white tee. Cameras and photographers were in abundance. It was an amusing bunch, as it should be considering the exhibits subject matter: Peter Pan syndrome and the namesake artist collective Peter Pan Posse.
The upstairs includes standout pieces by Erik Foss, Bast and Curtis Kulig. All three works emanate a sense of downtown yesteryear, a DGAF mentality with an attitude of: ‘Don’t feel like growing up, why bother? Who cares?’ At the same time, these pieces manage to re contextualize street art onto the white walls of a contemporary gallery. Bast even depicts Peter Pan in Fairy Tag as a distorted, some what sinister tagger in the midst of chaos.
All works on view until Sept. 7th.
Artist Berndt Naber
Artist Caitlin Rose
Artist Erik Foss
Artist McKenzie Railey
Artist Tom Fruin and candidate for House of Representatives and collector Jeff Kurzon
Model Nofar Avigdor and restaurateur Louis Fisher
Carnage NYC's Ray Mock
Collector James Hammond
Collector Martin Navarrete
Critic Megan Garwood
Curator Hash Halper
Curator Kristin Sancken
Curator MINT of MIRF
Dandy and man about town Ashok Pie
Downstairs installation at ROX
Curator Michaelle Tillou
The windows at ROX
Fashionista Sarah Gill Thomas and Everything Records artist Michael Carter
Gallery Attorney Stacy Kohn and City Firm/ROX curator Laura O'Reilly
Lina Viktor and artist Michael Hoerner
Photographer Christos Olympios Katsiaouni
Photographer Clayton Patterson and actor Leo Fitzpatrick
Photographer Elizabeth Waugh
Photographer IGOR
A ROX gallery assistant
Michael Anderson makes collages from international street posters and moonlights as an art paparazzi at Whitehot Magazine. Check out his work at www.chamuconegro.com
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