Another weekend of mind blowing events, with magical art, explosive installations, and a scary pre-halloween party hosted by not 1 but three venues and a record label. I wouldn't suggest missing anything.
1. Erik and I (aka happyFun), co-founders of Secret Project Robot, were invited to share our artwork with the public and we would feel really special if you could make it!
The Show: "Me and the Material Magic" Friday, October 26th from 7-9pm. 169 Avenue C at 10th Street
with an after party at Daddy's Bar where you can meet the artist- at work (437 Graham Ave-10 to 4am)
"Me and the Material Magic," curated by Tracy Candido, is an exhibition that initiates a dialogue pertaining to idea of art within the framework of the contemporary commodity and the social relationships which center around our values placed on buying, selling, owning, and collecting objects.
Explosion In proGress.saturday evening
2.Come to see the show happening at Secret Project Robot, Explosion in Progress. By Elesita Punto from 6 to 9pm
There is a coyote, Liz Nelson, a war situation, a cloud city and two artists living in a military pup tent.
Since they arrived from Beijing a week ago, this explosion of color has been expanding inside the gallery.
BRAhloween 3.saturday night
"On the Island, no one will hear your band. . ."
3.Yet another reason to stop by the isle of monsters. Secret Project Robot in corroboration with Live With Animals, Brah Records and Glasslands hosts a kick ass- I mean totally useless art party and dance extravaganza
In case you missed this shit the last two years - Brahloween has been the biggest, most audacious, stupidest waste of a decent evening of television viewing and snack consuming the world has ever known.
So we decided that in order to outdo ourselves - we would put together an event that was even MORE idiotic, MORE painful, MOrRE pointless than eve before! Brah Records is the record label that doesn't know when to quit! Brahloween is the party that just doesn't know when to say WHEN!
So here's the details:
Brahloween 3 -
8:30 The Library is On Fire
9:40 Pterodactyl
10:30 Dirty Faces
11:30 Ex Models aka knyf hits
DJ knox overstreet
Doors 8pm - $5 without a costume, $4 with a costume
Haunted HOUSE! Live bands! DJing! Shrunken Heads! A 27" TV that is showing the World Series game (you have NO EXCUSE NOT TO COME)!
GLasslands After Hours Dance Party.
saturday late
4. the fourth reason to be on Kent avenue this saturday:
Glasslands the devil's cave all night dj dance party hosted by Animal Train
midnight till you turn into a zombie
289 Kent Ave (btw South 1st and South 2nd)
Secret Project Robot is an installation and performance centered experimental art space that believes in creating a supportive environment which functions outside the usual commercial sphere where artists are free to experiment, create, and develop styles that aren't contingent upon their ability to sell.
210 Kent Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211
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