About Jan Van Woensel:“Multi-talented brain!” (Ulrike Adler, Galerie Adler Frankfurt - New York.)
“Jan is a workaholic with a weakness for beautiful women. I'm glad to know him. Long lives the Queen of Belgium!” (Paulus Kapteyn, artist, New Jersey.)
“Jan Van Woensel constitutes the perfect blend of manic creativity and level headed criticality that is so rarely seen in an editorial capacity. It is no wonder that he spreads this passion among so many others so successfully, be it writing, teaching, curating or any of his other multi-faceted activities.” (Professor Jesse Bransford, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Art and Art Professions, New York University.)
“Jan can be heart-on-sleeve, a thorough Belgian political thing or like a cat in stasis: focused to freezing levels.” (Pilita Garcia-Esquivel, artista plastico, Brooklyn-Valparaiso.)
“Jan Van Woensel is maybe upcoming” (Mai Ueda, artist, New York.)
“If I was to describe Jan: he happily dissects the conventional ways, which leads to sparks of new ideas and thought patterns. Resulting conventional thought to follow him. Thus the conventional follows Jan.” (Nathen Jansen, art director, Barcelona / San Francisco.)
“A curator like a hurricane; Jan Van Woensel is always busy and always up to establishing new ways of collaboration, drawing people and institutions in his wild wind of personal references. He is a Visionary Belgian and a fine working partner.” (Niels Van Tomme, curator Washington DC.)
“Looks quite easy going, but his rotation speed is very high,“ (Takako Hamano, artist, Japan/The Netherlands.)