Whitehot Magazine

Poetry: Banal Modern Transcription Of Nude Descending A Staircase

Poetry: Banal Modern Transcription Of Nude Descending A Staircase

By JEREMY HIGHT September, 2018

They walk down the aging wooden stairs slowly. Their body appears golden, metallic, glimmering in the late morning light. The body seems mechanical, torn in sequence C-3PO meets gold watch meets gold watch sheen. They are naked against dull wood and dull wallpaper. The swing of arms, the bend of legs, the torso upright with good posture, machine-like all. The movements linger in the air, almost in multiples, metallic glint and gleam. Gold. Flesh Moving forward, heading down. They put on sweatpants, a t-shirt and old smelly shoes and go to the door and head to the store to buy potato chips and toilet paper. WM


Jeremy Hight

Jeremy Hight is an artist/writer/curator with work shown in museums and galleries internationally including the Whitney Artport. He is currently new media curator for LEA. He has an MFA from Cal Arts.

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